Thursday 31 August 2017

Hydrating with a Ceramic Water Dispenser

Every person needs a supply of fresh and pure water to drink every day. It’s essential that we drink enough water, usually at least eight glasses per day for optimal health. However, if you’re drinking water in your home, there are a number of options available for hydration. The water needs to be held in a clean vessel, that’s easy to access and kept cool for maximum enjoyment. One of the best ways to achieve this is to use a ceramic water dispenser in your home or even your office. The water will be pure, fresh and cool, making the consumption of water simple and healthy. Let’s take a closer look at why a ceramic water vessel is a good choice for any home or business.
Electrically Operated Water Coolers:
These kinds of water coolers are the usual water solution chosen by many people. It’s easy to understand why they are convenient, readily available, can provide cold and hot water (dependent upon the model) and water bottle refills are readily available. This makes them an extremely attractive option for people that want an effective and simple water drinking option.
We offer these kinds of water coolers, and all our water bottles are filled with locally sourced natural spring water. However, not every water company can make that claim, and it’s important to do your due diligence and find out what’s in your water bottles.
Another concern is BPA in the plastic bottles that could leach into the drinking water. All plastics these days used in food and drink storage are BPA free. However, the research is always being revised, and some people limit their exposure to plastics as much as they can.
A final concern held by many people is that water held in plastic water bottles that are exposed to sunlight can grow algae. This is true, but it can be mitigated by placing the water cooler in an area with no direct sunlight and/or fitting cover over the water bottle.
What are the Benefits of Ceramic Coolers?
A ceramic water cooler is a passive non electrical water vessel and delivery system. As such, it can keep your water cool and fresh without resorting to cooling units. This makes it a low tech solution that cannot fail due to a power outage. Ceramic is a 100% natural material, it’s eco friendly unlike plastic, and those that want to limit their exposure to plastic will appreciate this feature. Algae cannot grow in the ceramic vessel, water can be kept pure and fresh, your environmental footprint lowered and your energy bill will be lower.
If they are looking for a ceramic water dispenser, Perth Wa residents should contact us. At Aussie Natural we sell and rent a wide selection of high quality water products, including ceramic water dispensers for home or business use. All of our products are manufactured to high standards and are fully compliant with Australian regulations. If you need a water delivery, we can deliver directly to your door for added convenience. Our team members are standing by to discuss your water needs in greater detail and they can answer any remaining queries that you might have.

Putting Plant Water Through Water Filters

When they think about water filters, Perth residents will typically gravitate to how they can improve the water for people. However, increasingly there appears to be a case made for the use of filtered water for plants. One of the main reasons for this is the amount of chlorine and chloramine in our water supply. Many people that want the best growing conditions for their plants are now avoiding standard tap water altogether. Let’s take a closer look at this phenomenon to establish if chlorine is actually harmful to plant life.

What is Chlorine?
If you live in a large metropolitan area and receive municipal water, it’s probably been treated with chlorine. For many decades, chlorine has been used as a highly effective disinfectant for domestic water supplies. Its use was initially adopted to deal waterborne diseases, such as typhus and cholera, that had spread to the west. Chlorine kills all kinds of bacteria, including E. Coli, salmonella and rotaviruses and it makes our water safe to drink. However, it does come with its own set of problems that have been studied in recent years.

Can Chlorine in Water Affect Your Plants?
In America, both the EPA and the CDC agree that that water treated with chlorine is not harmful to plants. This seems to be borne out by many gardeners that have seen no stunting of growth or lower yields when watering with chlorine treated water. Plants seem to survive on regular water, and many people make no special provisions for watering any other way.

The Effect of Chlorine on the Soil?
In fact, it’s the effect that chlorine has on the soil that your plants are living in that’s the problem. Chlorine is the basis for many bleach products; it can kill the microbes in your plant's oil in a very short period of time. This affects the helpful and the harmful organisms in your chosen growing medium, and this can be a problem. If you add worm casting or other biological mixtures containing bacteria to improve your soil and then water with chlorinated water, you will kill the microorganisms you just added. Watering with filtered water is like using rain water and plants will thrive in soil that is rich in microorganisms.

If they are looking for water filter systems, Perth residents and business managers should contact us. At Aussie Natural, we supply and rent out a wide selection of products to meet all of your hydration needs, including water filter systems. All of our products are manufactured to a high standard and compliant with Australian regulations. Our spring water is locally sourced natural spring water, and we can deliver directly to your door for added convenience. Our sales team is anticipating discussing your needs in greater detail, and they will be happy to address any further queries that you may have.

3 Ways to Make Your Office Water Cooler Drink Taste Better

We all know that on average we should be consuming at least two litres of water every day. This can vary depending on the time of year and our activity levels. When we don’t drink enough water, we become dehydrated, which can lead to a loss in mental acuity, headaches, dizziness and even more serious conditions. However, some people really struggle to drink enough water; they may even try to use hydration apps on their phones and fail to drink sufficient amounts because they don’t like water.
Some people, are addicted to soda or simply find the taste of water “boring” and unpalatable. It may be the case that drinking large amounts of soda has dulled their taste buds or perhaps it’s necessary to approach drinking water in a different way? Here are three ways that you can make the water from your cooler taste better.

1. Make That Water Sparkle:
This is a great tip for those people that are really hooked on fizzy soda drinks. Making soda water at home is simple if you have the right equipment to do the job. A soda syphon can typically make a litre or half a litre of soda water at a time. It uses gas cartridges to add some fizz to your water and is reusable. If you want flavorings, you could add your favourite syrups to the mix for a very refreshing drink. If you want even greater amounts of homemade soda, a SodaStream may fit the bill as it has a larger gas canister.

2. Make a Fruit Infusion:
Adding fruit to your water is a great way to improve the taste, and it also has detoxifying benefits. The water hydrates your body, and you can enjoy the taste of your favourite fruits. The perennial classic is lemon water, adds pieces of squeezed lemon and lime to add a tart fruity flavor. However, there are many other thirst quenching fruits you can add, such as cucumber, melon, berries, oranges, and apples. Once you get more confident, it’s easy to combine your favourites to create even more elaborate infused water drinks.

3. Spice and Herbs:
You don’t have to stick to fruit in your water drinks; another option is to add herbs and spices. Herbs, such as mint and basil, are great in cold water and natural hot teas. Adding spices, such as paprika or cinnamon, can add a pleasant kick to your water that could be an unusual change for your taste buds.
If you’re looking for an office water dispenser for your home or business, contact us here at Aussie Natural. We are your local supplier of high quality hydration products, including water coolers for office and home use. All of the water we supply is locally sourced natural spring water that tastes fantastic. We also deliver your water direct to your door for your convenience. Our sales team is here and standing by to discuss your needs in greater detail and to answer any other further you may have.