Wednesday 14 February 2018

How to Choose Water Coolers for Your Office

Many employees love to have water coolers at their place of work for a variety of reasons. Of course, it’s great to have access to delicious, clean water, but many people also enjoy the social aspects of water cooler culture. A water cooler can improve morale and boost the cognitive functionality amongst your workforce. Once the decision has been made to get a water cooler for your office, how do you choose the right one to suit your needs?

Comparing Alternatives:

Some water companies will deliver smaller bottled waters in bulk direct to your home or business. This service is also offered by Aussie Natural, but it may not suit your needs, and you need to be aware of the alternatives. Compare the costs of renting a water cooler and replacing the larger water bottles. It’s generally cheaper to rent a water cooler compared to buying smaller bottles of spring water. This is dependent upon your needs; a very small office may not need as much water, but larger offices would be better served by one or more water coolers.

Space Issues:

Storing water for drinking can take up a lot of room, and you need to consider this in advance. A water cooler takes up less space, but you will need room for the spare bottles of water. If you’re using a lot of water weekly, a rack unit will help to store more bottles in the space footprint. If space is very tight, it may be a good idea to install a bottle less unit directly into your buildings water supply. All of these options will negate the need to store lots of bottles of spring water in your fridge.

Heated and Cooled Water:

When most people think about water coolers, they obviously make the connection that cooled water is provided. However, there are models available that offer the option to provide heated water as well. This isn’t water that boiling hot, but it is hot enough to make a beverage or soup to take back to your desk. This is a fantastic option, and you will need to think about whether you would like this in advance.

If they are considering water coolers, Perth business owners and managers should contact us here at Aussie Natural. We can supply and rent out a wide selection of high quality, water related products and equipment, including office water coolers. All of our products are fully compliant with all current Australian regulations. For those that prefer bottled water, we also supply a high quality locally sourced spring water that tastes great, and we deliver direct to your door for added convenience. Our team is standing by to discuss your needs in greater detail and to answer any remaining questions that you may have.

Thursday 8 February 2018

5 Reasons to Have a Ceramic Water Dispenser in Your Home

We’ve all become more conscious of our need for good quality water at home in recent years. The health benefits of drinking good water throughout the day are now well documented. Plain water from the tap, may be clean to drink, but its harsher taste and temperature may be unpalatable for some people. Many people are now using ceramic water dispensers in their homes for drinking water and here are five reasons why you may want to join them.

1. An Improved Taste:

We’ve already touched on this point; ceramic water dispensers provide filtered water which tastes very good. Sadly, some people think water tastes bland, but it’s unlikely that they have tasted pure water. This is great for drinking straight from the dispenser, but it makes other things taste better too. A beverage made with filtered water will allow the taste of your coffee or tea shine through. Cooking with filtered water is also beneficial and food cooked this way will taste cleaner.

2. The Health Benefits:

Using filtered water in your home for drinking and cooking will reduce the levels of chlorine and contaminants that are ingested. However, some water treatments remove contaminants and at the same time remove the minerals that offer health benefits. The filtered water found in our ceramic water dispensers has those healthy minerals present and offer cleaner water for drinking and cooking.

3. Encourage Water Drinking:

When your water tastes better, you’re more likely to drink more and use it in your cooking. This will ensure that healthy levels of water are consumed that are within recommended ranges. Medical professionals recommend that an adult should drink at least eight glasses of water per day, but this can vary depending upon a number of factors, such as weight, age, and physical activity levels.

4. Help with Dieting:

Drinking cold fresh filtered water is great for those of us that need to shed a little weight. Studies have shown that drinking cold water is great for boosting your metabolism. Also, dieters that are looking to cut down the sugar in their diet will benefit from a reduction in the amount of sugary drinks. A healthy alternative that may suit some people is a reduced sugar squash or some fruit juice added to filtered water to make a refreshing drink.

5. Saving Money:

If you’re using a ceramic water dispenser and drinking less sugary drinks, you will save money. There will also be no need to buy bottled water for drinking at home, and you could even fill a water bottle to take out with you. As an added bonus, you will free up more space in your fridge as you won’t need to store bottles of water there.

If they are considering a ceramic water dispenser, Perth residents should contact us here at Aussie Natural. We stock spring water and water related products that are fully compliant with Australian regulations, including ceramic bottled water dispensers. Our team members are standing by to answer any remaining questions that you may have.