Wednesday 22 March 2017

3 Novel Ways to Use a Ceramic Water Dispenser You May Not Have Thought Of

Having a dispenser for ceramic water is a great way to get a slightly chilled natural tasting drink of water at any time of the day. However, there are other reasons to hire one of these dispensers. Here are three novel ways to use a ceramic dispenser that you may not have thought about.

1. Preparing Food

Many people just use their ceramic dispenser to make cold drinks and for drinking water. However, it is easy to use the water to prepare food at home or instant snacks at work. The water is higher quality than that found in the domestic water supply and softer. Food prepared with this water will taste better and look more colourful. Give it a try, and you will be amazed at the results.

2. Cleaning Domestic Appliances

A ceramic dispenser has water that is much softer than the water that comes out of your tap. If you suffer from a hard water supply, you will notice visible calcification on your kettle element, taps, and showerheads. This calcification can be cleaned away using a 1:1 ratio of pure white vinegar and water. However, using tap water for this purpose can be self defeating and lower the effectiveness.
For surfaces, simply spray the solution on and leave it to work for an hour before wiping off. Kettle elements can be cleaned by adding the solution to the kettle, leaving it overnight and then rinsing thoroughly the next day. A coffee maker can be cleaned by running a full reservoir of the solution through the coffee maker three times. This is followed by three reservoirs of clean ceramic dispenser water, and the pot should be thoroughly rinsed.

3. Hydrating Pets

We all need water to live, and that goes for our pets as well. Many people give their animals water directly from their taps, and that can be an unhealthy option. Some people give their animals filtered or bottled water directly from the fridge. There is a lot of conflicting data from veterinarians regarding the effects that drinking ice cold water can have on a pet. The great thing about ceramic coolers is that the water is stored at just below the ambient room temperature. This combined with the fact that the water is excellent quality will ensure that the drink is perfect for both you and your furry friends.

If you would like to know more about hiring a ceramic bottled water dispenser for home or business use, contact us. Here at Aussie Natural, we stock a wide variety of high quality water products, including a ceramic water cooler. Get in touch with us, and we would be happy to discuss your needs in further detail.

Make Emptying Water Bottle Racks More Fun With Flavoured Water

We get it, drinking water is not always fun, and it can get boring sometimes. There are many great health benefits that can be enjoyed by regularly drinking high quality water, but sometimes you just need to spice things up a little. This is where preparing and enjoying flavoured water can really help to add a tasty twist to your daily hydration routine. This is not like the bland “flavoured” chemical ridden water you find at the supermarket. We will use fresh flavours and ingredients to enhance our water, making it refreshing and delicious. Let’s take a closer look at how we can make water more interesting today.


This is a natural fit with water as the clue is in the name. Hydrating foods with a high water content are usually a good fit. Watermelon has a 93% water content on average, and it is packed with sodium. Watermelon is a great source of both vitamins A and C, and it is a fantastic thirst quencher for hot days. You can spice up your spring water by mixing it with watermelon on a 1:1 ratio and chilling it down before drinking.


We often overlook celery during warmer months relegating it to soup and stew for colder months. However, celery is actually 95% water with a light peppery taste making it great for juicing or infusing your water. Celery is a great source of fiber, but it has very few calories, so it is a great veggie to add to water for dieters. Get some celery, use your water storage rack regularly and create delicious thirst quenching drinks.


All berries have a high water content of up to 92%, they taste delicious and have a variety of health benefits. Fresh berries can be used to create an infusion by leaving them in water overnight. You can also soak dried berries in spring water overnight, they will rehydrate, and you can blitz them in a blender with more water and ice to create a delicious drink.

Fresh Fruit:

There are also some great soft fresh fruits that can add flavour and health benefits to your water. Some of the best options are mango, papaya, and cantaloupe which all have a high water content. Fruits that have orange flesh can also help with skin problems and eye conditions. Prepare them as an infusion or blend or juice them and add to chilled spring water and they are a hydrating powerhouse.

If you need water products and solutions for your home or business contact us here at Aussie Natural. We have a wide selection of products available, including water dispensers and water cooler bottle racks. Using these products you can provide high quality water and store your spare bottles safely. Get in touch with us, and we would be happy to discuss your needs in greater detail.

Choosing Water Filters: Perth Resident Information

There are many great reasons to ensure that you and your family are drinking adequate water. Most of us are primarily interested in the health benefits, such as dissolving fat, lubrication cartilage, preventing headaches, improving concentration and improving kidney function. Luckily, these days there are many ways that we can drink water using bottled or filtered sources. However, there are some key criteria that you may want to consider when making a choice on which kind of water you would like to drink.

How Clean is the Water?

Bottled water is usually very clean when compared to tap water as most pollutants are removed. Some methods used would be outside the feasibility of most home filtration systems as chemical processes and UV light are used. Filtration systems vary in effectiveness, but they primarily use carbon as their filtration method. However, home filtration systems do have one main advantage over commercially bottled water. Plastic bottles cause phthalate contamination that can adversely affect the taste of the water.

How Convenient is the Choice?

Bottled water is everywhere and easy to find if you need a drink. Many companies will deliver bottled water to your home or business. It can be a good option to have water filter systems for office use, but usually, such systems are located in the home. This makes it less convenient, and if you have adverse water quality such as hard water, it can be affected. The filters will need to be changed regularly, but some filters can be cleaned and reused. If you want to take filtered water with you, some advance planning is required, and a suitable drinking vessel should be used.

What are the Costs?

This is where water filtration systems really shine when compared to bottled water. A filter system is passive in nature, aside from the initial cost, the water supply, and filters it is very cheap to run. On the other hand, bottled water can be very expensive, and it varies a great deal in quality. However, if you shop around you can find bottled water suppliers such as Aussie Natural that provide natural spring water in bottles at an excellent price.

The Environmental Considerations:

Obviously, all that plastic makes bottled water a less than optimal choice for environmentally focused people. A rough estimate places plastic as having a 450 year period of decomposition. Some plastic bottles can be recycled and refilled, and this can offset the impact somewhat. Home filters do come in plastic containers, but on the whole, a home filtration system is far more environmentally friendly. Some filters can even be recycled now by sending them back to the manufacturer.

If you’re looking for at water filter systems for home or business, speak to us. At Aussie Natural, we have a diverse choice of water products available for sale, including water filter systems. Get in touch with us, and we would be happy to discuss your needs in greater detail.

Is There an Expiration Date on 350ml Bottled Spring Water?

Many people become visibly confused when they see and expiration date on a bottle of water. It seems strange that bottle water would go bad and even need any kind of expiration date. However, in many cases, the water itself is not the cause of the expiration date, and there are other factors at play. In fact, the main need for a date is to illustrate when the plastic bottle expires and how it may affect the contents. Let’s take a closer look at how this began and why we need this guide today.

A Little History:

The origins of this practice began in New Jersey, USA in 1987 where a state law had been recently passed. This law stated that any beverage or food (not water) had to be labeled with a two year expiration date. Eventually, this law was amended, but the practice continued and became a part of the bottling and packing process. The expiration date was needed for manufacturers of sodas and beverages because the contents of those bottles do expire. However, water doesn’t need an expiration date unless it has other ingredients added to it. In order to service the requirements of printing expiration dates on bottles and packaging, expensive infrastructure had to added to the bottling process. For a food company with different brands, it makes no sense to print dates on one beverage and then use an entirely different machine to bottle a run of water.

So What is the Expiration Date For?

The majority of water sold today is purified before it undergoes the bottling process. This excludes natural spring waters, as they are already naturally pure and will not expire. In both cases, it is not the water that needs and expiration date. Plastic bottles contain polyethylene terephthalate (PET) which is a slightly porous material that can pick up external tastes and smells. This is why bottled water stored in a smelly basement or a garage for a long time can taste off. The expiration date is an indicator of when the water was bottled to help you to determine when the plastic is past its best for optimum water storage. If you plan to store water for a long time bear this in mind and continuously rotate your water bottle supply.

If they would like to know more about 350ml bottled water suppliers, Perth residents should contact us. At Aussie Natural, we have a wide selection of water products available, including a delicious 350ml bottled water. All of our spring water is sourced locally and offers quality at a very reasonable price. Get in touch with us soon, and we will be happy to discuss your need further.