Wednesday 12 April 2017

Advice from Your Local Water Company: Perth Tricks for Optimal Hydration

It seems like an endless mantra from health experts; you should drink at least two litres of water per day. Of course, this is sound advice, in fact, more water needs to be drunk in hotter seasons or when exercising. That being said, many people find drinking water to be a boring activity, and they inevitably begin to neglect their water intake. However, there are ways that you can stay hydrated and entertain yourself by developing some new habits. Here are a few of our favourite tricks and tips for developing and sticking to a hydration schedule.

Keep a Water Bottle With You:

Many people, lead very busy lives with a number of demands on their time and energy. There may not be time to pull over to grab a quick bottle of water and little enough time to actually take a drink. One of the best ways to encourage regular water drinking is to have water with you at all times. This will also act as a reminder to drink, and you can grab a sip any time you need to. As your friendly local spring water company Aussie Natural sells a range of water bottles that are ideal for travelling.

Write Down Your Intake:

This of this like a diary. Many people keep a food diary to track weight loss, the amount of food consumed and times they ate. This could be set up in a similar way for water consumption using a pocket diary or a small spiral bound notebook. The size of a standard glass is 250ml so record drinking eight of those, and you’re good to go.

Take Advantage of Technology:

For those people that are not total Luddites, a diary probably won’t be good enough for their needs. These days many of us live out our lives on our smartphones and would be lost without them. Luckily, there are some excellent apps available on all platforms to track water consumption and set reminders when you need to drink. Set an alert for every half hour to ensure that regular hydration can take place.

Establish a Routine:

This sounds easier that it actually is, but over time if you drink at regular times it will become second nature. Try drinking a glass before you leave the house in the morning or when you get in. Remember if you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated so try to establish a routine to drink throughout the day.

If they are looking for local spring water suppliers, Perth residents and business owners should contact us. At Aussie Natural we supply a wide range of high quality water products, including bottles of spring water. Our water is locally sourced naturally pure spring water that tastes great. We deliver direct to the door of your home or business for your convenience. We look forward to discussing your needs in greater detail and answering any remaining questions you may have.

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