Thursday 12 October 2017

Should Users of Water Coolers Be Concerned About Water Intoxication?

Even if you only have a passing interest in health and fitness, you are likely to be aware of the importance of proper hydration. However, there have been increasing articles about water intoxication. This could be something that you’ve read and may be putting you off using water coolers. Perth consumers need to know the facts and whether they need to be concerned about water intoxication.

The Water Intoxication Basics:
Water is vital for all life, but it is possible to have too much of a great thing. Although water is important for organ function, drinking too much can cause issues. For example, our kidneys have the responsibility for balancing the electrolytes and fluids in our body. The most relevant electrolyte is sodium, and water intoxication occurs when sodium concentrations in the blood become dangerously low. When this occurs, liquid is moved from the blood into the cells, causing swelling.

The Dangers of Water Intoxication:
Although there are some media outlets, who are fear mongering, water intoxication or to give it the medical term hyponatremia is not actually a common occurrence. Cases of hyponatremia are actually extremely rare. It is far more common to be dehydrated rather than having an issue with overhydration. However, it is important to be aware of the symptoms, so you can be aware of any warning signs.

The Main Symptoms of Water Intoxication:
There are symptoms that you may be starting to suffer from water intoxication. These include:
Bloating and Nausea; This is caused by the stomach being unable to hold the excessive amounts of water
Fatigue and Weakness; You may also experience restlessness particularly if you are an athlete.
Slurred Speech; It could be very easy to mistake water intoxication as someone being drunk.
Disorientation; This occurs in serious cases where the condition has begun to affect the brain.
Seizures; In rare cases that are left unchecked, the brain may start to swell, which can cause seizures, respiratory difficulties, and even fatalities.

Avoiding Water Intoxication:
It is not necessarily the amount of water you drink that could put you at risk of water intoxication, but rather the time frame for consuming large amounts. However, you would need to drink litre after litre of water in a very short time period for this to occur.
Athletes can be vulnerable to intoxication, as they need to be aware of how much water has been consumed and lost during endurance activities. Since sodium is lost by sweating, simply replacing the lost fluid with water may not correct an electrolyte balance. Fortunately, you can make your own electrolyte rich drink using spring water, fruit juice and a little sugar and salt.

If you are interested in a water cooler dispenser Perth consumers should speak to us. We offer a myriad of water coolers, and the Aussie Natural team members are available to answer queries or questions.

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