Thursday 17 May 2018

A Quick Guide on How to Clean Bottled Water Coolers

Water coolers are a great way to get instant and refreshing hydration at home or at work. However, a water cooler can only be effective if it's clean and ready for daily use. When they have water coolers, Perth residents may be unaware that they need to be occasionally cleaned to obtain the best results. If you hire a water cooler from Aussie Natural, we will regularly service, clean and sanitise your cooler as part of your contract. If you want to clean your own water cooler here is a brief how to guide.
What You Will Need to Get Started You will need (in no particular order) half an hour to carry out the cleaning and some cleaning supplies, including: a fresh pair of rubber gloves, a clean bucket with a 7-8L capacity, a little unscented bleach, some paper towels and if you’re cleaning a hot and cold cooler a small plug or cork.

The Process for Cleaning All Coolers Follow these steps in order to clean any water cooler. Disconnect the water cooler from the power source. Remove the water bottle (it’s easier when empty) and drain the water from the blue tap and dispose of it. Remove the water guard, this may be a pressure fit, or it may need to be twisted loose. Don’t rush this, take your time and work out how it fits together. Remove the baffle that’s located inside the water reservoir. At the bottom of the water reservoir, you will see a pair of holes that are connected to the taps. If you have a hot and cold cooler, the centre hole is for hot water, and you need to plug this with your cork. This will prevent chlorine from getting into the hot water tank during the cleaning process. Wash the water cooler, taps and exterior areas with clean hot water and a mild detergent. Rinse the cooler with clean water and dry it with the paper towels. You're finished; reverse the steps outlined above to reassemble the water cooler. Reconnect the power supply and try out the water cooler to make sure everything is working. If the water cooler isn’t working check to see if you’ve forgotten a part. If you cannot correct the issue call out a professional to take a look. If they are looking for water coolers, Perth Wa residents and business managers should contact us here at Aussie Natural. We supply a wide selection of water related products that are fully compliant with Australian regulations including home water cooler. For your added convenience we deliver your water bottles direct to your home or business premises. Our team members are looking forward to discussing your hydration needs in more detail, and they will be happy to answer any other questions that you may have.

Using 1.5L Bottled Water to Stay Hydrated When Working Out

When you’re working out 1.5L bottled water is a great way to ensure that you have adequate water to maintain your hydration levels. Although water is very important, there are other considerations that you will need to take into account to get the most out of your work out. It’s important to stay hydrated before, during and after exercise to get the maximum benefits for your body and fitness. Let’s examine this issue in greater detail and look at some practical solutions that you can use today.

The Importance of Hydration

A 2% loss in the level of hydration in our bodies can lead to a loss of performance of around 20%. This can have a dramatic effect on your work out or any athletic competition that you’re taking part in. When dehydrated, an athlete will quickly notice a loss in strength, stamina and increasing levels of fatigue. After the workout, it would not be unusual to have other issues, such as constipation and digestive problems to contend with. Some typical signs of dehydration, include feelings of thirst, dark urine and a loss of concentrations.

So How Much Water Should we be Drinking?

There are so many variables involved here that it would be hard to provide a comprehensive answer that would suit everyone. As an example: a triathlete would have very different hydration requirements compared to someone lifting weights at the gym. When exercising outside the weather can play a huge role because you’re more likely to sweat more when it’s hot. As a general guideline, it’s advisable for everyone to drink at least two litres of water every day. It’s also advisable for everyone carrying out intense exercise to also drink a further 500ml of water for each hour of training. This could be increased even further if a great deal of sweating is involved.

What About Drinking Before Exercising?

This where many people go wrong as they approach training by simply taking a bottle of water to the gym. However, if you're not hydrated before you begin your workout, you will already be playing catch up when you start to exercise. Drink water at least an hour before beginning any kind of exercise and while training take sips of water every 15-20 minutes to maintain adequate hydration levels.
If they are looking for 1.5 litre water bottles, Perth based water drinkers should contact us here at Aussie Natural. We supply a wide selection of high quality water products, including 1.5 litre water bottles. Our spring water is natural local water that’s delicious, and we deliver directly to your home or business for added convenience. Our team members are standing by to discuss your hydration needs in greater detail, and they will be happy to answer any further queries that you may have.

Friday 11 May 2018

Where is the best spot for office water dispensers?

There is no hard and fast rule as to where water dispensers should be situated in the office. However, you'd want your office drinking water supply to be in the right place such that they're accessible to employees. You'd also want them in a clean area so drinking water won't be contaminated. Lastly, most of these dispensers require a power outlet so make sure that there's one nearby.
With the basics covered, here are some other things to consider in deciding where to place your water coolers in the office.


Having provided employees with water dispensers, you'd want them to make full use of having drinking water at all times so accessibility from their workstations is key. How far do they need to walk to reach it? If too far, people tend to delay until they're too thirsty especially on very busy days. On the other hand, the increase in foot traffic may cause distraction to those who are nearest the water dispenser. You can balance out these out by having more than one dispenser located at opposite ends of the work area.

Common areas

Most offices also have their water coolers in common areas such as the break room or kitchen, as well as the conference room. In some offices, the photocopier, printer, bulletin board and water dispenser are grouped in one area so that people can have a sip of water while reading the latest memo as they wait for their printing or photocopying to get done. Talk about efficient multitasking!

Reception areas

Do customers and visitors come to your office throughout the day? Your office can allocate a space in the reception area for a water cooler and some drinking glasses for customers and visitors to use as they wait for their appointment. A simple thing like this greatly helps in making them feel at ease in your office and increases the chances of a more pleasant interaction with the staff. This water station can also be a convenient place for the staff to fill up their water bottles on their way out of the office at the end of the day.
After identifying the best spots for your office water dispensers, ensure that these areas are away from direct sunlight. Direct heat from the sun will heat up the water. It can also potentially change the appearance and taste of your drinking water. In order to keep the sun away if space is limited in the office, keep the blinds drawn or use a water bottle cover. The same goes for the extra water bottles kept beside the water dispenser or in storage. One final thing: keep the dispenser close to the wall. This will keep the walkways clear and prevent people from tripping over the power cord.
With easy rental terms for water dispenser Perth offices are now enjoying fresh Aussie Natural spring water delivered right to their doorstep. Our office water dispensers are easy to use, feature a no-spill design, and use up only 1 sq ft of floor space. Enquire online or call us at 1300 360 332 and we can help you decide which of our products is perfect for your office.

Is The 10L Water Bottle Good For Emergencies?

Every year, a number of natural calamities occur that may cut off basic services including your household's water supply. In some disasters such as bushfires and floods, your family may have to leave your home and evacuate to a safer area. While these instances may be rare in your part of Western Australia, it is worth looking into the option of using a 10l water bottle for emergencies.

Why is it important to have water stored for emergencies?

Water is essential for health and to maintain life. In emergency situations, water service may be interrupted. When you have several days' supply of clean water, you and your family will be able to meet your basic needs. There may be water sources around such as streams or rivers but these may not be clean enough for consumption. Drinking contaminated water is one of the main causes of illness during and after calamities.

How much water should I store?

A typical household uses water for various activities of varying importance - drinking, personal hygiene, doing laundry, watering the garden, etc. In an emergency, some of these would be dropped because of limited water supply. In 2004, several relief agencies calculated the minimum water required for basic survival and published their findings and recommendations in a document called Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response. According to the Sphere Standards, a person would need a total of at least 7.5 L per day for basic survival (food and drink), cooking, and hygiene. Multiply three times this figure by the number of people in your household to get at least three days' worth of water to cover your household's basic needs during an emergency situation.

What is the best container for storing water?

Containers made of high density polyethylene are ideal for storing water. HDPE is low on the risk scale when it comes to leaching chemicals such as phthalates and BPA into the water. For drinking water in a 10l water bottle Perth WA communities enjoy clean spring water from Aussie Natural Spring Water in fully recyclable bottles made of HDPE.

Buying bottled water vs DIY?

Local authorities often recommend using only boiled, disinfected or bottled water in an emergency situation. Some households choose to boil or disinfect their water before storing but these will not remove all contaminants. This means that while this water may be good enough for bathing, it may not be safe for drinking. Disinfecting your own water means you also have to disinfect your containers. In some households that subscribe to a water delivery service, they order extra bottles for their emergency drinking water supply as it is more convenient and saves time.

Why should I refresh our household's emergency water supply?

Water that has been properly disinfected can technically be stored indefinitely. However, HDPE containers are slightly porous and can absorb odours and flavours from the environment. Thus, aside from storing your emergency drinking water in a cool, dark place with no strong smells, you'll have to rotate and refresh those containers so you can still drink good tasting water, disaster or not.

Why should I use 10L water bottles if there are bigger containers?

While it makes better sense to store several days' worth of water in containers larger than 10l water bottle Perth households still have these smaller bottles for their emergency supply in case they have to evacuate. In a grab and go situation, you won't be able to take a barrel of water with you. In contrast, several members of the household can carry a 10L water bottle or two.

Tips For Guilt-Free 1.5 Water Bottle Use

When you find yourself thirsty as you're out and about, having water in a 1.5l water bottle is a convenient thirst quencher. Water bottles are portable and disposable, making it very convenient for us when we want to have a drink of water on the go. However, accumulation of these water bottles impacts the environment. As a conscious consumer working on reducing one's carbon footprint, here are some ideas on how to responsibly use these water bottles.

Buy local

When you go shopping for bottled water, notice just how many brands of 1.5l water bottle Perth shops have on offer, all vying for customers' attention and wallets. Don't be swayed by images of waterfalls, springs, and Alpine peaks conveying that the water has originated from some pristine faraway source. When making your choice of bottled water, before you base your purchase decision on the purity of spring water sourced near the French Alps, realise that this water will have to travel from across the world before it touches your lips. Choosing a brand that is sourced and distributed locally has a carbon footprint way smaller than an imported one. Aussie Natural’s 1.5l bottled spring water is sourced from springs in the Darling Ranges which means that they travel a significantly shorter distance compared to bottled spring water imported from abroad.

Reuse water bottles

Whilst these water bottles are intended for single use, it is possible get up to a couple more uses out of them when a situation requires that you do. In reusing single use water bottles, the main concern is its cleanliness before refilling them once more. Bacteria grow and multiply rapidly in drinking bottles once they have been opened especially after your hands and mouth come in contact with the bottle's mouth. Water and dishwashing soap will usually be enough for bottles that have been used just once.

Participate in recycling efforts

After buying local and reusing your water bottles, extend your environmental responsibility to properly disposing these water bottles for recycling. Buy bottled water that bear the numbers one or two. These bottles are made from plastic that are fully recyclable. Plastic bottles marked with number one are made from PET plastic while those with number two are HDPE. When you dispose these bottles in recycling litter bins, remove the lids and ensure that these are loose in the bins and are not inside plastic bags.
Having an environmentally-friendly lifestyle does not have to mean massively letting go of convenience. For spring water in a 1.5l water bottle Perth WA residents can get their's delivered straight to the office or their homes with just a call to 1300 360 332. Aussie Natural 1.5L bottled water come in shrinkwraps of 8 fully recyclable PET water bottles.

Pros and Cons of Reusing 15L Water Bottle With Tap Water

In the spirit of saving money or in trying to be more environmentally sound, some homeowners and office administrators using water dispensers opt to reuse their water cooler bottles by refilling it themselves with their tap water. There are obviously some pros and cons to this, which you should look into first before you reuse your 15l water bottle in this manner.

Why reuse a water bottle?

After considering the cost and environmental factors mentioned earlier, the final push for refilling tap water into a 15l water bottle Perth water dispenser users have is simply due to the fact that their tap water is safe to drink. However, there is a safety concern when reusing a water cooler bottle - or any water bottle for that matter - even if the tap water is drinkable. Bacteria are able to grow in water bottles the moment these have been opened. The bacteria originate from people's hands and mouth when they drink from water bottles, while in the case of water cooler bottles, from any dirt or particle that gets in contact with the bottle's mouth.
Thus, you should clean and dry your water bottle thoroughly before refilling it with water. Use hot water and dishwashing soap to clean your water bottle. For dirt or particles such as mold or slime that has built up in the water bottle, sanitising is necessary. To sanitise, fill up the bottle with water, mix in 1 tsp each of bleach and baking soda, and let the mixture sit overnight. Then, rinse the bottle thoroughly and let it dry completely before filling it with tap water.

Why shouldn't you refill your water cooler bottle with tap water?

If your tap water is potable and you're able to clean your water bottle well, why is it still better to have clean drinking water delivered and refilled by trusted drinking water suppliers?
Setting aside the issue of water splashing and spilling all over the place as you fit the water bottle into your water dispenser, the main reason why it isn't advisable to use tap water with your water cooler or water dispenser is that tap water will shorten the usable life span of water dispensers. Tap water contains particles that would cause build up inside the water dispenser. In time, this build up will affect the quality of the water and cause the dispenser to work less efficiently. Additionally, some of these particles can react to the metallic components of the dispenser, thus affecting the taste of your drinking water as it passes through the dispenser.
Compared to tap water, the purified water from suppliers such as Aussie Natural are guaranteed to have gone through several filtration and sterilisation stages removing these particles that can both cause damage to water dispensers and have water acquiring a metallic taste.
Why bother then with cleaning and sanitising your 15L water bottles and then struggling with fitting it back into the cooler when you can just have fresh, great-tasting, and purified Aussie Natural spring water delivered to your door? Here's a bonus to 15l water bottle Perth WA customers, delivery is free.