Thursday 17 May 2018

Using 1.5L Bottled Water to Stay Hydrated When Working Out

When you’re working out 1.5L bottled water is a great way to ensure that you have adequate water to maintain your hydration levels. Although water is very important, there are other considerations that you will need to take into account to get the most out of your work out. It’s important to stay hydrated before, during and after exercise to get the maximum benefits for your body and fitness. Let’s examine this issue in greater detail and look at some practical solutions that you can use today.

The Importance of Hydration

A 2% loss in the level of hydration in our bodies can lead to a loss of performance of around 20%. This can have a dramatic effect on your work out or any athletic competition that you’re taking part in. When dehydrated, an athlete will quickly notice a loss in strength, stamina and increasing levels of fatigue. After the workout, it would not be unusual to have other issues, such as constipation and digestive problems to contend with. Some typical signs of dehydration, include feelings of thirst, dark urine and a loss of concentrations.

So How Much Water Should we be Drinking?

There are so many variables involved here that it would be hard to provide a comprehensive answer that would suit everyone. As an example: a triathlete would have very different hydration requirements compared to someone lifting weights at the gym. When exercising outside the weather can play a huge role because you’re more likely to sweat more when it’s hot. As a general guideline, it’s advisable for everyone to drink at least two litres of water every day. It’s also advisable for everyone carrying out intense exercise to also drink a further 500ml of water for each hour of training. This could be increased even further if a great deal of sweating is involved.

What About Drinking Before Exercising?

This where many people go wrong as they approach training by simply taking a bottle of water to the gym. However, if you're not hydrated before you begin your workout, you will already be playing catch up when you start to exercise. Drink water at least an hour before beginning any kind of exercise and while training take sips of water every 15-20 minutes to maintain adequate hydration levels.
If they are looking for 1.5 litre water bottles, Perth based water drinkers should contact us here at Aussie Natural. We supply a wide selection of high quality water products, including 1.5 litre water bottles. Our spring water is natural local water that’s delicious, and we deliver directly to your home or business for added convenience. Our team members are standing by to discuss your hydration needs in greater detail, and they will be happy to answer any further queries that you may have.

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