Monday 11 February 2019

4 Signs That You Need to Use Water Coolers to Stay Healthy

In many parts of Australia, we are now experiencing a record breaking heat wave that quickly dehydrates anyone that isn’t drinking enough fluids. Our primary source of hydration should be good quality water that will meet all of our needs. When the temperatures are so hot, it will be necessary to drink more to compensate for loss of fluids due to perspiration. Of course, when you’re using water coolers for home use, you can drink indoors where it’s cooler anytime you like. However, when you’re on the go, it can be hard to scientifically measure your water intake, and so it becomes essential to explore other methods. It’s vitally important that people start to listen to their bodies more and look out for these four signs that they are not drinking enough from water coolers to stay healthy.

A Darker Coloured Urine
This is a common sign to look out for, the urine produced may be a darker shade of yellow compared to the usual transparent yellow from a well hydrated person. This is a sure sign of dehydration, and it’s imperative to drink some water as soon as possible. Remember, if you get to this stage you are already dehydrated, and some of your bodies functionality may already be impaired. This will quickly return to normal if you drink some delicious spring water from Aussie Natural.

Cramps in Your Muscles
It’s extremely common for dehydrated people to experience uncomfortable or even painful muscle cramping. This can be irritating when you’re out and about working or getting some errands done. A painkiller is a simple fix, but there is no need to take one in many cases if you simply get hydrated. Before you resort to a pharmaceutical solution, try and drink some water and rest for a short while to allow your body to adjust. You may find that the muscle cramps go away quite quickly just by drinking some good quality water.

Feelings of Tiredness and General Fatigue
This can be hard to quantify in any meaningful way as there are many factors that could make us feel tired during a normal day. Many people become fatigued later in the afternoon and the attention and focus that we can bring to bear is limited. Medical experts estimate that around 10% of people suffering from tiredness and general feelings of fatigue are actually dehydrated. So, instead of reaching for a coffee to get rid of that mid afternoon funk, try drinking a glass of water or a herbal tea instead.

Feeling Hungry
Many of us feel a need for a mid morning or afternoon snack, and this can be a difficult time for people who are watching their weight. However, when we are dehydrated our hypothalamus can easily confuse those feelings for hunger. So, when we are craving food, we may actually be dehydrated instead, and we need a drink of water.

If they are considering water coolers Perth residents should contact Aussie Natural for more information.

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