Wednesday 6 June 2018

Meet Me by the Water Cooler: An Office Icon

The drama of my work place all comes back to or originates from the water cooler conversations. The morning begins with small talk, discussing the weather and on few occasions work- related business. The water cooler however sits directly in a zone where no cameras catch the goings on. None of the senior members of staff or the boss’ office crosses path with the water cooler, as they are important enough to have their own personal assistants or receptionists to bring them iced water whenever they desire. The space is therefore a hub of heated discussions between whoever is annoying who on that day, or Mark and Lindsey who married three months ago and seem to possess all the passion that comes with a new marriage. It has also been said everything from as ludicrous as drug deals to sexual advances have taken place between colleagues. Without a doubt all the rumours that circulate between employees are spread through the gossiping in that area of the office.

After arriving late for work one day I found a note saying “meet me by the water cooler,” and laughed thinking it would surely be Alison, my best work buddy writing with her left hand or something else to disguise her writing. I also found it amusing as I would surely be going to the water cooler, as I did every morning to simultaneously fill my drink bottle and also have a chat with Alison or whoever else seemed to be about. I put my bag in my drawer and walked towards the cooler passing Alison’s empty desk on the way. My interest level spiked when I saw her absent chair and unusually tidy desk. I knew I should have been feeling more concerned for my friend and the reason behind her absence, but I could not help the feeling of anticipation as I drew closer to the water cooler and the revealing of mystery note-writer. Once I arrived there I tried to fluff up my short black, slightly unwashed hair and then quickly stopped as it must have looked strange. Everyone often forgot that while the little compartment of the wall by the cooler felt private it was still in plain sight of many our cubicles. I casually flicked the tap and watched my bottle fill with water, trying to again casually look around and see if any of my co-workers would jump up at the sight of me standing where they had requested me. I began thinking then, who did I want it to be? After approximately fifty seconds I suddenly became horrified, I did not fancy any of my co-workers, and only a small portion of which were anywhere near my generation in age. As I turned to walk away from the cooler I noticed another note saying “meet me by your desk” on the back of the ceramic dispenser.

As I sat back down at my desk I became suddenly quite aware I had work to be getting on with and leant over to turn on my computer.

 By my monitor was yet another note, saying “meet me by the stationary cupboard,” I sighed and went to put the note in the bin when on the back I saw “last one, promise,” was written. I stomped my way over to the cupboard, opened it and squished inside was Alison. “Surprise!” Allison yelled, jumping out and then stretching her neck, complaining, “I’ve been in there for bloody ages!”

I was speechless, and so were the few poor souls that had their desks closest to the cupboard. “What on Earth is wrong with you? I’ve wasted like 20 minutes this morning on your little sleuth hunt,” I said smiling and also shaking my head. “Oh I don’t know, thought it would be fun! But I’ve got to talk to you, it’s important…By the cooler just before lunch breaks,” Allison winked and walked away, leaving me hanging in anticipation for the next chapter of her water cooler centred sagas.

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