Wednesday 6 June 2018

You Know That Old, Ceramic Water Dispenser Your Granny Gave You?…

In the age of overconsumption, it’s occasionally nice to stumble across something durable and long-lasting, almost an anomaly in this throw-away society. With the abundance of flea markets and second-hand stores coming back into the fore, pre-loved items are finding a new home, including numerous ceramic items. Durable and long-lasting, ceramics have long been a favourite material to make beautiful pottery and kitchenware. The trouble with purchasing ceramic items is the unknown possible lead content it may contain.

Lead has been used in ceramic ware for a long time now, normally in glazes and decorations. The lead provides a smooth and glossy, almost glasslike finish that helps to let bold colours and artistic patterns to shine through. But while lead can provide a beautiful finish to a piece of pottery, it is also a highly toxic substance. While it can affect people of any age, it is especially harmful to children, pregnant women and unborn babies. Lead accumulates in your body over time, so even small trace amounts can end up posing a health risk if exposed to. Most contamination occurs when traces of lead get into food and drink during preparation, storage or serving if using ceramic products.

Home testing kits can be purchased to determine whether your ceramic contains traces of lead. They use a ‘quick colour test’ system and contain a chemical that turns a certain colour when applied to a surface that contains significant quantities of leachable lead. Now, while this test kit can be easily purchased from our local hardware store, the test is only useful in detecting the presence of lead, and not the amount. The only way to determine the exact amount of lead that the crockery leaches is to send it to a laboratory for testing. In addition to being expensive, this can also damage the item.

So what’s the best way to enjoy owning and using ceramic items, without the worry of lead contamination? Buy 100% guaranteed, lead-free ceramics, such as Aussie Natural’s 100% lead-free, ceramic water dispenser. Buying a ready-made ceramic product that contains no traces of lead, will save you from tracking down that test kit, and potentially damaging your item. The water dispenser is designed to keep the water natural chilled, just below room temperature, for that perfect, not too cold on your teeth temperature. And as a bonus, the water dispenser requires no power source or complex set up to run, which is always handy to save on the power bill and the environment at the same time.
At Aussie Natural, we pride ourselves on providing our Perth customers with high quality, fresh drinking water and the right dispenser to enjoy it with. Whether you are looking for a ceramic water dispenser for the home or the office, one of our team members will be happy to discuss options with you. Fill out our enquiry form to start enjoying your Aussie Natural Spring Water today!

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