Thursday 16 February 2017

The Importance of Drinking Enough Water

Most people are now aware of the importance of drinking enough water to stay hydrated. However, even today we find some misinformation on how much to drink and what can happen to our bodies if we fail to drink enough. For those seeking the ultimate in water drinking technology, the best option may be to hire ceramic water dispensers. Here are a few fascinating facts about how our bodies work and the important part that water plays in staying healthy and alert.

The Importance of the Kidneys:

Our kidneys filter somewhere between 113 to 140 litres of water every day. Only 1 or 2 litres are actually egested out of our bodies via our urine; any remaining water is recovered into our bloodstream. The kidneys simply cannot function without adequate water, and if the kidneys cannot function, our bodies can’t get rid of waste. When the kidneys cannot function, there is also a build of excess fluids that can lead to chronic kidney disease and kidney failure if left untreated. This, in turn, will also have a cascade effect, and other vital organs in the body will begin to shut down.

The Dangers of Early Dehydration:

Most people have experienced some level of dehydration in their lives. The first thing we notice is a feeling of thirst, every time you feel thirsty you have allowed your body to become dehydrated. The trick is to drink water regularly throughout the day before you begin to feel thirsty. One of the key aspects of dehydration is that the body is losing more water than it is taking in. The will result in an imbalance in the electrolytes in the body, electrolytes, such as potassium, phosphate, and sodium facilitate the electrical signals that pass between our cells. A failure to pass these signals or having them disrupted can lead to seizures, muscle spasms and a loss of consciousness.

The Dangers of Severe Dehydration:

When dehydration becomes more severe, the consequences can be life threatening. In addition to kidney failure, there are other complications, such as anaemia, heart failure, a compromised immune system and damage to your central nervous system. Some other effects can also include an increase in blood pressure, dehydrated airways, allergies, asthma, premature skin aging, constipation, digestive problems, stomach ulcers, joint pain and impaired cognitive function.

Here at Aussie Natural, we have a variety of water solutions available including a ceramic water dispenser. Perth residents will be delighted to learn that we source all our spring water locally and we deliver directly to your home or business. Our ceramic water dispensers for home and business use are very economical to hire. There is really no excuse to not stay hydrated with a steady supply of high quality spring water that comes at an affordable price. If you have any further questions, we will be happy to discuss your needs in more detail.

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